Residential Solar
Jul 9, 2024

How Does SoL Energy Determine What Size Solar Power System Should I Install?

SoL Energy has a time-proven process in place to right size a Solar Power System for your property. And we are with you every step of the way to make sure your specific needs and goals are factored into the process.

There are three basic steps in the process

1.    Determine your current annual power consumption and future plans.

2.    Determine the right system size based on your location’s solar potential.

3.    Factor in local utility policies

Annual Power Consumption

Your historic annual power consumption is termed 100%. First, we determine how much 100% is. If someone has occupied the building for 12 months or more, this can easily be obtained by either assessing the most recent bill, or, by contacting the power company to determine what the total kWh consumption has been for those 12 months. That is almost always step one. If the local power company needs to be contacted, we will make that phone call with the client. It usually only takes a few minutes.

However, if there is not a 12-month history of consumption, such as when someone has not occupied a home for 12 or more months, or if it is new construction, a load letter will be required. A load letter is usually calculated by an electrician by assessing all of the items in the building that will be consuming electricity and determining how many annual kWh’s each item will consume.

Future Plans

Once we have determined 100%, the next question is “do you anticipate this consumption to increase or decrease in the future?”

  • Remodeling or additional rooms that will be heated/cooled
  • EV purchase and charging it at home
  • Converting from gas to electric heat (or stove)
  • Children that have not been born yet or additional people moving into the home
  • The purchase of equipment that will consume more electricity (new appliances (like a second refrigerator or freezer), a sump pump, jacuzzies, swimming pools, hot tubs, etc.).
  • Any other anticipated change that increases your annual power demand.

(NOTE: While these plans are important considerations, the utility can only consider changes that have already been made or are provably under contract in evaluating your application.)

Sizing the System

In sizing a system for your property, SoL Energy also factors in anticipated system degradation (typically a system will produce 80% of the energy in year 25 that it did in year 1), and available sunlight (solar hours per day).

SoL Energy has software that quickly accounts for system efficiency and local available sunlight for your location. We believe in transparency and will, upon request, gain your confidence in our solar production figures by sharing the methods used by both us and the utility company. You’ll have the option of doing this independently should you choose to. It’s quite simple.

Utility Policies

Next, we factor in utility policies. Holy Cross Energy, for example, will not allow a residential system to be installed that generates more than 120%. Xcel, on the other hand, allows systems to be sized up to 200% and Glenwood Springs Electric only allows up to a 10kW system regardless of consumption and no more.

We also determine the utility’s net metering policy. In areas where we operate, all utilities where we operate allow net metering.

Our Proposal

Once all these factors are properly considered, we will offer you a proposal for a Solar Power System that meets your specific needs and location-specific requirements. Typically, we will propose a system that provides between 110% and 120% of your current Annual Power Consumption. Our Proposal will also address national and local incentives, tax credits, and financing options. Our goal is to make sure that you are armed with enough information to make a confident decision whether the solar investment is a good fit for you given your unique circumstances.

Get Started with a Free Site Evaluation

Obviously, many considerations go into planning for a Solar Power System. We recommend that you contact SoL Energy, LLC for a FREE Consultation. We will work with you to consider all the factors that go into right sizing a Solar Power System for your specific situation.

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